Saturday, July 28, 2018

Book Review: Dare To Love

Dare to Love by C.P. Santi is a book about second chance at love with hope and forgiveness. It is set in one of the provinces in the Philippines but it will also take you to the two of the most historic places of the country. Gia is a single mother of twins and an architect. When she gets home from Manila, she finds a half naked stranger in her bed.

This is my third or probably fourth book by C.P. Santi and it is my second favorite of all. (My all time favorite is Bucket List to Love. Go get it now too if you haven't get it. I do hope you managed to snagged it for free since it was free for the past few days. It's set in Tokyo and it's another second chance at love too. You'll also fall in love with it.) When I started it, I didn't know what to expect so I was surprised when it was set closer to me than I imagined. I've been to that church and saw it many times when I was kid. It was a pleasant surprise, reading books closer to home since I'm used to reading Western books. It's one of the reasons I enjoy reading #romanceclass books.

Friday, July 20, 2018

A Super (Junior) Experience

I must admit I wasn't an avid fan of Kpop unlike Kdrama but there was a time in my life that I ordered albums from Korea and boy, they were expensive plus the shipping fee. But it wasn't Super Junior. It was FT Island when I saw Lee Hong Ki in You're Beautiful back when I was still freshman in college. After that, I entered the K-pop world but it was only limited compared to today's variety of groups and their popularity. I knew EXO and BTS by name only because they're one of the most popular boy groups these days. My fangirling days didn't last the entire years of college because it's hard to follow everything when you're busy and I tell you, it wasn't just like listening to music. There's variety shows, dramas, albums, mini-albums, Japanese albums, DVDs, and expensive merch. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

June Recap + Flash Reviews

This was supposed to be my first post in July but I figured a week before that I can't possibly make a long post days after the end of the month because of deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. (Finally, I'm done!) I used to do this in one of my other blog but two months compressed into one post where I talked about my writing and reading. After much thought, I decided to do it here instead. I realized it's tough to manage two blogs as much as it's to handle two twitter accounts. 

First, my current WIP, a YA fantasy I've been writing since December last year. When I look at it that way, I crumble a little inside especially considering I'm two months behind my self-imposed deadline. I crumble some more. Pardon me while I take a few deep breaths so I could piece back myself. *cue deep breathing* 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Books I'm Reading this Month [0718]

June is over but it ended in the most fabulous way ever. More details soon (hint: concert + Korean). I guess you'd get it by now if you live in the Philippines or follow the scene or follow me in twitter. There's also the possibility that I mentioned it in m previous post. Nonetheless, I'm in a rush. (whispers: I'm only squeezing this post during work time). I still have a lot of things to say about books I've read and so on but that would be for another post when workload isn't so heavy anymore. 

You may be asking how can I still read when work related deadlines are looming. Before I sleep. Weekends (tho no rest day for me this week). Spare time I don't watch tv that much. 

There's still no new releases book in my list. Probably because I created my schedule early in the year. Have you read most of them?