Thursday, May 13, 2021

March + April Wrap-up

I finally have the time to write. It's unbelievable. April had been about work, deadline, work, deadline, and work, deadline to the point I started dreaming about numbers. It was a nightmare. I thought I would have the time to start reading and writing again after the 15th, but there was another deadline. It was tiring as hell. 

I thought ten days would be enough to focus wholly on work, but alas, life doesn't always work the way I planned it. So sadly, I wrote nothing this April. I also didn't get to reach my goal to finish the draft of ULF2 last March. That's another failure I don't want to dwell on right now. On the brighter side, I wrote 12,934 that month, and I'm going to push through this May after I get some things in order.