Thursday, May 13, 2021

March + April Wrap-up

I finally have the time to write. It's unbelievable. April had been about work, deadline, work, deadline, and work, deadline to the point I started dreaming about numbers. It was a nightmare. I thought I would have the time to start reading and writing again after the 15th, but there was another deadline. It was tiring as hell. 

I thought ten days would be enough to focus wholly on work, but alas, life doesn't always work the way I planned it. So sadly, I wrote nothing this April. I also didn't get to reach my goal to finish the draft of ULF2 last March. That's another failure I don't want to dwell on right now. On the brighter side, I wrote 12,934 that month, and I'm going to push through this May after I get some things in order. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Panic February 2021 Wrap-up

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.

February was so stressful I don't even want to look back on it. But first things first, I'm glad I didn't overestimate myself and aim for impossible writing goals. Of course, I want to push myself and write more, but that would be more counterproductive when I couldn't reach the goal and beat myself for it. Secondly, I discovered that I should have planned for emergency days when I couldn't write because of things I couldn't plan for. Lastly, I wrote 9k words this February. It's not much, but it's progress! And before I forget, I hate the government.

I don't know if it's because I was stressing about a lot of other things. Reading became a chore. By the end of the day, when I usually read, I didn't have it in me to pick up the book. Maybe it was also because the last two books I was supposed to read were paperbacks, and all I wanted to do was lie down and I couldn't do that with paperbacks. I really ought to make that post about kindle and e-books. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

My Top 3 Korean Drama BFs

I thought I would have watched tons of new dramas when it was in lockdown. Turned out stressing about the future made me want to rematch instead of venturing into something new. I've started several dramas and couldn't commit to finishing it. Abandoning a drama was easier now. When I didn't like the plot, character, or when it was heavy drama, I dropped it. I value my peace of mind now rather than that sense of accomplishment that comes with finishing a drama.

I've always wanted to make a post like this. This was supposed to be for Valentine's Days, but I couldn't finish it on time. With the inputs from my sister, I selected my three best boyfriend materials from Korean Dramas I've seen.

There are ton of spoilers in my post, so if you haven't seen it, please be warned. All three are available on Netflix. New Journey To The West Season 7 and 8 are available on Viu. I wish all the older seasons are available there too.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

January 2021 Wrap-up

Wow. I haven't posted anything in 2 years. To put it shortly, those 2 years were rough. Last year was COVID and more. The year before that was a string of events that bled into one another. But things are a little better now. I don't remember how I used to find time and write blog posts before, so here's me trying again with some stolen time.

But something's never changed. I kept on reading and writing. With reading, I managed to achieve my 50 books goal last year because I included volumes of manga and short stories. Broken Throne by Victoria Aveyard was the last book I read for 2020. It seemed fitting. The true end to the Red Queen Series. The happy ending I was hoping for.

For 2021, I'm also aiming 50 books. I don't want to pressure myself and just take it easy. If I surpass it then that's good. If not, then it's also good. 

I like planning what I read and how many pages/percentages I have to go through everyday. It's satisfying to hit those. I found that it's easy to spread out hard books daily and that I could finish contemporary/romance novels over the weekend.